Marketing Technology Firm Moves into New Market

Marketing Technology Firm Moves into New Market

A marketing technology firm with a great service wanted to partner with ad agencies to open up a new revenue stream. 

This client needed a new approach to working with agencies, but they were focused on their offering instead of on how it could benefit clients. 

I helped senior management devise a strategy and positioning to break into what was, for them, a new market. I led them through a strategic sales positioning exercise and identified their differentiator, business cases that made sense for the agency audience, and how everyone could make money. We created an elevator pitch and talking points for their sales team, then identified ways for them to get more meetings with prospects. Then we developed a business plan and sales enablement materials. 

Now this firm has a sales enablement program with validated materials they can use to win business in a new market. 

Silicon Valley Start Up Brand Campaign Launch

Silicon Valley Start Up Brand Campaign Launch

Large Creative Agency Reinvigorates Brand to Stay Competitive

Large Creative Agency Reinvigorates Brand to Stay Competitive